About Us
Mission Statement
Renewable energy is the way for every nation to obtain clean energy and reducing the global warming and the climate change effects. It is a reality and not pretended, it is low cost and it does not depend on the supply of other countries, and is providing jobs for 11 million people globally and triggering annual investment of $400 billion world-wide. Renewables can drastically reduce dependence on energy imports and provide rapidly increasing contributions to urgently needed electricity demand globally. Renewables are the cornerstone and foundation of a truly sustainable energy future. Our mission during the last 30 years is to promote enabling policies and to further develop a broad range of renewable energy technologies and applications in all sectors – for heating and cooling, agricultural applications, water desalination, industrial applications and for the transport sectors leading to A BETTER, CLEANER AND SAFER WORLD. World Renewable Energy Network – WREN, operated in more than 50 countries during the last 30 years and some of those countries achieve 40% in their electricity supply comes from renewable energy sources. WREN will keep working and running Congresses until all countries achieves 100% electricity supply from Renewables.

About the World Renewable Energy Congress (WREC)
The World Renewable Energy Congress (WREC) and Network (WREN) is a non-profit company set up in 1990 to help foster transfer of renewable energy technology from developed countries to developing countries. For more than 10-years their Honorary President was The Deputy Director General of UNESCO, Prof Dr Adnan Badran. WREC is a British Company which organizes conferences and seminars, publishes books, journals and magazines around the world in the field of Renewable Energy. More than 40 countries have hosted the Congress, among them: UK, Germany, Italy, USA, UAE, and Sweden. The Congress participants have been from more than 80 countries. Regional conferences have been held in: Italy, Canada, Colombia, Algeria, Kuwait, Bahrain, Malaysia, Zambia, Malawi, India, West Indies, Tunisia, Indonesia, Libya, Taiwan, UAE, Oman, Czech Republic, Bahrain, Germany, Australia, Poland, Netherlands, Thailand, South Korea, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Morocco, Sweden, France, USA, China, Sri Lanka and UK.
Among its eminent speakers have been H H Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, President of Iceland, Dr Romano Prodi, Prime Minister of Italy, Rt Hon Dr Stephen Timms MP, Rt Hon John Redwood MP, Rt Hon John Gummer MP, Sir Norman Foster, the Hon Sir Jonathon Porritt, Crown Prince Faisal of Jordan, H E Dr Abdulaziz Bin Othman Altwaijri – Director General of ISESCO, he is now WREN Honorary Chairman, Rt Hon US Secretary of Energy Hazel R. O'Leary and US Secretary of Energy and Nobel Prize Laureate, Prof Steven Chu, Mrs Monika Ghandi, Minister of Environment, India, Admiral Truly, Dr Charly Gay and Dan Arvisu Directors General of NREL, USA, First Minister of Scotland Rt Hon Alex Salmond, President of Iceland Olafur Ragnar Grimsson , Prime Minister of Sri Lanka H E Ranil Wickremasinghe, Hon Minister of Megapolis & Western Development Patali Champika Ranawaka & and H R H Princess Victoria of Sweden. WREN worked with UN, UNESCO, WEC, UNIDO, UNEP, WMO, WHO, ESCWA, ISES, SER, EU, Common Wealth Science Council, and WB.
The Chairman of WREC is Professor Ali Sayigh, B Sc. AWP, DIC, Ph. D, FIE, FIEE, C Eng. Chairman IEI, UK member of WEC, and FRSA. The first Congress was held in Reading, UK in 1990 and it has been held every second year since then. In 2012 it was held in Denver where more than 3000 participants were present. WREN Created “Ali Sayigh Trophy” to be given to the best country promoting renewable energy every two years. So far received by: Cyprus, Brazil, Italy, USA, Germany, France, Denmark, China and Morocco. The 2020 Congress will be held in: Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Instituto Superior Técnico – Lisbon, Portugal.
For more information please see http://www.wrenuk.co.uk
WREN Council Structure
- Vice Chairmen:
- Dr Lawrence Kazmerski (USA)
- Prof D. K’zaman Sopian (Malaysia)
- Trustees:
- Prof Donald Swift-Hook (UK)
- Mr Ken Stratton (UK)
- Mr Hugh Lockard Ball (UK)
- Honorary WREN Members:
- H E Dr A. H. bin Ali Mirza (Bahrain)
- H E Prof Harold H Suk Oh (USA)
- Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Nuaimi (Ajman)
- Advisors:
- Mr Pradeep Chaturvedi (India)
- Dr Kuruvilla Mathew (Australia)
- Mr Vidya Amarapala (Sri Lanka)
- Prof Riadh Al-Dabbagh (UAE)
- Mr R Hinrichs-Rahlwes (Germany)
- Prof L.W. Wang (China)
- Dr David Renne (USA)
- Prof Waheeb E Alnaser (Bahrain)
- Prof Dorota Chwieduk (Poland)
- Dr. Haris Doukas (Greece/EU)
- Dr Osman Benchikh (France)
- Dr Marta Szabo (Hungary)
- Prof Nader Al-Bastaki (Bahrain)
- H E Dr Hilal Al-Hinai (Oman)
- Prof Marco Sala (Italy)
- Prof Dr Yoshinori Itaya (Japan)
- Prof Young-Ho LEE (Korea)
- Prof Soogab Lee (Korea)
- Prof Mohsen M. Aboulnaga (Egypt)
- Dr Shadia J Ikhmayies (Jordan)
- Prof Anastasia Zabaniotou (Greece)
- Ms Cecilia Tilli (Sweden)
- Dr Haris Doukas (Greece)
- Prof Shyam S. Nandwani (Costa Rica)
- Dr Fahad Al-Sulaiman (Saudi Arabia)
- Prof Hassan Nfaoui (Marocco)
- Prof.Manuel C. Guedes (Portugal)
- Dr Ruxandra Crutescu (Romania)
- Dr Sanaz Ghazi (Canada)
- Prof Dr Derya Oktay (Turkey)
- Forty more members...
World Renewable Energy Congress Chairman

WREC2020 Chairmen

Technical Committee

WREC 2020 Organizing Committee

National Comittee