Prof. Helder Gonçalves

Active since 1979 in several areas in the Energy Sector; Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Renewable Energy, with particular attention the Integration of Renewables on Buildings (Simulation, Passive Solar Systems and Design, Simplified Design Tools, Thermal Comfort, Audits, Integrated Design, and Building Thermal Regulations). Present research; NZEB (Solar Building XXI-The first Solar Buildings Towards NZEB; Smart Cities Joint Program in EERA (European Energy Research Alliance) and SusCity Project Is member of several National and International Groups representing Portugal in IEA (International Energy Agency) in CERT (Committee on energy research and technology) and End Use IA,); CYTED ( Coordinator of an IberoAmerican Grid on Bioclimatic Buildings and Renewable) and in CEN (European Committee for Standardization /TC 89, Thermal performance of buildings and building components), representing Portugal in EERA/Smart Cities. Is the Portuguese representative on the Horizon 2020 Programme Committee. Since 1990 has been involved in the Portuguese Commission for the Building Regulation and in the last years has been one of the main responsible for the set-up of the New Building Regulations and Certification on Buildings in Portugal according the new Energy Performance Building Directive. Has been; President of the Portuguese Energy Agency (ADENE); President of the Portuguese Solar Energy Society (SPES) and Head of Renewable Energy Department of INETI (National Institute of Engineering and Industrial Technology). Is member of the Portuguese section of ISES since 1980 and President from 1996 to 2000.
Dr. Paulo Partidário

Having a Chemical Engineering background (IST-UL), Paulo Partidário holds a PhD in Strategic Innovation for Sustainability (TUDelft) and a MSc in Technology and Innovation Management (ISEG-UL). He is attached to DGEG - the Portuguese Directorate for Energy and Geology, where his main research focus includes energy transitions and innovation management for Sustainability, with a particular view on renewable energy technologies and on system and lifecycle approaches. His previous co-founded research and interdisciplinary work includes the very recent co-coordination of DGEG's proposal on a Roadmap for Hydrogen in Portugal, which integrated a thorough modelling and analysis of hydrogen value chains. He is also serving as National delegate at the IEA Hydrogen TCP, as peer reviewer at IEA-ETP, and as Vice-Chair for Industry at the EUWP-IEA.
Hydrogen: from a breakthrough innovation to a wide adoption
Prof. Manuel Collares-Pereira

Ph.D. in Physics (University of Chicago), Habilitation at UN-FCT, Full Professor of the Area of Renewable Energies and Head of the Renewable Energy Unit of the University of Evora, President of the Institute for Advanced Research, President of the National Institute for Solar Energy. Guest Keynote speaker on the main International Congresses in Solar Energy in a variety of countries (US, Spain, Germany, France, Chile, Israel, China, Argentina, Brazil, Switzerland, South Africa, Australia, Sweden and others). Coordinator of the EERA EU-SOLARIS Solar Energy Network, participation in several EU projects such as STAGE-STE, REELCOOP, PVCROPS, MASLOWATEN, PREFLEXMS, INSHIP; and international PI of the NEWSOL project. Member of the main International Boards of Solar Energy Societies and Organizations. Creator and Director of the first two Solar Energy Factories in Portugal. Author of over 240 publications and 12 patents.
Advances in Linear Concentration - towards low cost, dispatchable and competitive STE (Solar Thermal Electricity)
Prof. António Sarmento

Founder and President of the Board of WavEC Offshore Renewables, Co-Founder and Member of the Board from 2005 till 2010 of Ocean Energy Europe, retired Associate Professor at the Mechanical Engineering Department of IST.
Portugal´s track record in Marine Renewable Energy
Dr. Lawrence L. Kazmerski

Dr. Lawrence L. Kazmerski is the Director of Science and Technology Cooperation at The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) up to 2015. He was at (Electrical Engineering) of the University of Maine before coming to SERI (NREL) in 1977. His research at Maine included the report of the first thin-film copper-indium-di-selenide (CIS) solar cell. He was SERI’s first staff member in photovoltaics, hired specifically to establish efforts in the characterization of photovoltaic materials and devices; he led NREL efforts in measurements and characterization for more than 20 years. He has held adjunct professorships at the University of Colorado, Colorado School of Mines, and the University of Denver. Dr. Kazmerski has published over 300 journal papers and authored or edited four books, and currently serves on the editorial board of five journals—and he has more than 160 invited presentations at international conferences, workshops, and seminars. He was co-founder and editor of the journal SOLAR CELLS, published by Elsevier-Sequoia (1979-1991). Kazmerski is Editor-in-Chief of the Elsevier journal, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. He has three R&D 100 Awards. Kazmerski was the recipient of the Peter Mark Memorial Award of the AVS in 1981 and IEEE William R. Cherry Award in 1993. In 2008, Kazmerski was elected as a member of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE). He is Vice Chairman of WREN since 1992.
Would Evolutionary Solar Technologies Get Us to the 100% Renewables Transformation in Time?
Lawrence L. KazmerskiRenewable and Sustainable Energy Institute (RASEI), University of Colorado Boulder
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (Emeritus), Golden, Colorado, USA
Dr Judith A Cherni

Judith A. Cherni, BA, MA, PhD, is Research Fellow and part-time Lecturer at Imperial College London. She is member of the Centre for Energy Policy and Technology (ICEPT) and the Centre for Environmental Policy (CEP). Her research in modelling of power supply and demand, sustainable livelihoods and renewable energy technologies progressed from her studies of international economic development, and environmental sustainability. She also has keen interests in globalisation, institutions, market reforms, and policy with simultaneous implications for climate change. Her interdisciplinary work brings together technological innovation, economics and development and she has published extensively. J. A. Cherni is a leading researcher on multidisciplinary studies and the use of various methodological approaches. She has recently focused on establishing the nexus between energy and water, natural resources and socio-economic impact on vulnerable populations. From a focus on Latin America, the geographic reach of her work has expanded to include most developing regions.
Photovoltaics vs fossil fuels financial feasibility model for expanding access to electricity in off-grid rural regions
Judith A. Cherni*, Carlos J. Francoaa, Isaac Dynerbb, Maritza Jimenezcc*Centre for Energy Technology and Policy, CEP, Imperial College London, UK
a Faculty of Mines, National University of Colombia; cjfranco@unal.edu.co
b Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Bogota Jorge Tadeo Lozano; isaac.dynerr@utadeo.edu.co
c School of Engineering, Pontificial Bolivariana University; Faculty of Mines, National University of Colombia; mjimenezz@unal.edu.co
Rainer Hinrichs-Rahlwes

Rainer Hinrichs-Rahlwes is a renewable energy expert with more than 20 years of professional and honorary experience. He is actively working for and promoting enabling policy frameworks and fair market conditions for a fully Renewables based energy system. At present, he is a Vice-President of the European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF), after having served as the associations President from 2010 to 2014. He is representing EREF as a Steering Committee Member of the Global Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21). Rainer is also a Board Member of the German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE) and the Chairman of BEE’s European and international affairs Committee. He is representing both EREF and BEE at the Global100%Renewables platform. Representing EREF or BEE, or as a senior expert, Rainer is closely working with international institutions or association, such as the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), e.g. representing EREF in IRENA’s Coalition for Action, or with the International Energy Agency (IEA). Rainer has been working with the World Renewable Energy Network (WREN) for more than a decade, at present serving as the network’s Head of the Policy, Finance, Education and Sustainability Committee. In 2016, he was appointed as a member of WREN’s Advisory Council. From 1998 to 2005, Rainer was a Director General in the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU). On behalf of the Ministry, he was a co-chair of the International Steering Committee (ISC) preparing the 1st International Renewable Energy Conference (IREC), the renewables2004 conference in Bonn, Germany. The ISC was later transformed to become REN21.
The European Green Deal – Unlocking the EU’s Potentials of Renewable Energy?
Rainer Hinrichs-Rahlwes, D-10407 Berlin, GermanySue Roaf

Sue Roaf (B.A.Hons, A.A. Dipl., PhD, ARB, FRIAS) is Emeritus Professor of Architectural Engineering at Heriot Watt University and is an award winning architect, author and teacher. Best known for her pioneering work on domestic solar energy in the UK and her leadership in the International Solar Cities movement, her recent work has touched on optimised renewable micro-grids involving storage. Subjects covered in her 22 books include Ecohouse design, Adapting Buildings and Cities for Climate Change and Adaptive Thermal Comfort. She Chaired the 2017 Passive Low Energy Architecture conference (www.plea2017.net [1]), is Co-Chair of the Windsor 2020 Comfort Conference (www.windsorconference.com [2]) and is currently working in Antarctica on the design of Extreme tents (www.extremelodge.org [3]).
Future Building Trends in a Heating World
e Roaf (B.A.Hons, A.A. Dipl., PhD, ARB, FRIAS)Professor Runming Yao

Professor Runming, Ph.D., MSc, BEng, CEng, FCIBSE, FCIOB, FHEA, MASHRAE. Yao is currently a Professor of the Sustainable Built Environment at the University of Reading, a Lead Academic of Design and Management of Sustainable Built Environments at the School of the Built Environment; and Global Expert Professor at Chongqing University. She is a Fellow of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (FCIBSE), a Member of American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Building (FCIOB), and a Fellow of Higher Academy (FHEA). She is a peer review College Member of the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). She has been a referee for numerous research councils including Netherlands (NOW), Portugal (FCT) Natural sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Government of Canada Research Program. Ministry of Science and Technology China (MOST) and, Hong Kong (RGC). She has a broad research interests in the sustainable built environment with focuses on energy efficiency and environment in buildings. She has published widely in the areas of thermal comfort and wellbeing, building performance assessment, energy modelling, urban microclimates, and HVAC system and energy management. She currently leads a large national research R&D project and UK China research grant on the solutions of heating and cooling of buildings in the Yangtze River region, (125 million Yuan). She is Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Building Engineering (JoBE).
Climate responsive heating and cooling of buildings in the hot summer and cold winter zone in China
Runming Yao, School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University, ChinaSchool of the Built Environment, University of Reading, UK
Prof. Donald Swift-Hook

After military service as a Lieutenant Royal Signals, he obtained a degree in Mathematics and Electronics from Trinity College, Cambridge followed by an MSc in Mathematics from London University and a career in industrial research. After five years in microwave research with GEC he joined the Central Electricity Generating Board where he became head of a Research Division. He obtained a PhD from Cambridge University on the basis of his research publications in plasmas and gas discharges and he has numerous other publications, mainly in the field of renewable energy, especially in wind power. While he was Chairman of the British Wind Energy Association he founded the Council of the European Wind Energy Association of which he was subsequently Honorary Treasurer. He represented the UK in the International Energy Agency on Wind Energy Agreements and led (as Operating Agent) major international research projects (or Annexes) on Off-Shore Wind Power, Wakes & Clusters, etc. He was a Visiting Professor at Kings College London for more than 20 years and is now a Visiting Professor at Kingston University London. He is a Director and Secretary of the World Renewable Energy Network which has organized successive World Renewable Energy Congresses since 1990.
Popular errors about renewables
Don Swift-HookVisiting Professor at Kingston University, London and Secretary of WREN, WOKING, Surrey, UK
Prof. Manuel Duarte Pinheiro

Manuel Duarte Pinheiro PhD in Environmental Engineering by de Lisbon University. Since 1999 he is a professor and researcher at Civil, Architecture and Georesources Department, Tecnico (IST), Lisbon University. He has published more than 30 research articles indexed in international journals (Scopus index: 15) and different book chapters. His main research topics are: Life Cycle Assessment and Management; Environmental Management System; Environmental Impacts; Ecodesign and Sustainable Built Environment, Positive Carbon Balance. He is responsible by the development and application of LiderA System a design support, assessment and voluntary Portuguese certification system for the sustainable built environment.
Positive carbon built environment a new energy frontier?
Manuel Duarte PinheiroPhD in Environmental Engineering by de Lisbon University
Dr Amina Batagarawa

Amina holds a B. Sc. in Architecture from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria; an M.Sc. in Environmental Design of Buildings from Cardiff University, Wales; and a PhD in Architecture from Newcastle University, England. Currently, Amina is a lecturer at the Department of Architecture, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria at undergraduate and
postgraduate levels. Her teaching and research are focused on sustainable energy use in the built environment. She is the author of articles including:
- Benefit of conducting energy calculations in the built environment of Nigeria, in the 4th West Africa Built Environment Research (WABER) Conference, 24-26 July 2012, Abuja, Nigeria, 389-397;
- Disaggregating primary electricity consumption for office buildings in Nigeria, in the 12th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, Sydney, 14-16 November 2011; and
- A comparison of lightweight and heavyweight construction incorporating Phase Change Materials for Office buildings in a composite hot climate, in the 6th Annual conference of the West African Built Environment Research Institute, Ghana which won Winner of best industry related paper.
She is a Global advisory board member for the Green Campus Institute (www.greenthecampus.org), a trustee in the Board of Sustainable Energy Practitioners Association of Nigeria where she heads the Research Support Services department of the association (www.sepan.org.ng), and a member of the Energy Institute, UK.
Powering Tourism in Hot Dry Climate of Nigeria with Renewable Energy Technologies
Amina Batagarawa1, Aminu Bn Musa2, Abdullahi M Lawal31 Dept. of Architecture, Faculty of Environmental Design, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, NIGERIA
2 Dept. of Architectural Technology, Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic, Birnin Kebbi,, NIGERIA
3 Dept. of Architecture, Faculty of Environmental Science, Baze University, Abuja, NIGERIA
Prof. Al-Dabbagh

He obtained his first degree B Sc. in geology from Mosul University, Iraq in 1968, then his Diploma, MSc, PhD from University College, London in 1975. He has a very outstanding courier prior to his present post in the UAE. President of 4 universities for 21 years, Faculty member for about 40 years in 7 universities Published Approximately 79 scientific papers in the field of water resources and hydrology, Environment, Pollution, Water management, Water Engineering 25 short papers in education and scientific contribution, Five textbooks in the field of hydrology, water management and engineering geology, Teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in water resource management, hydrology, environmental hydrology, basic ecology, environment water& energy and general geology, hydrochemistry, ground water resources, water quality, pollution, and environment, Attended 65 international conferences and 42 national and regional conferences, Received approximately 44 awards from regional, Arabic and international universities and organizations, Spent a total of 6 years as a visiting professor in 14 different universities in 10 different European, North and South American countries. In 2003- up to the present, He is a professor at Ajman University and advisor to the President of the University, UAE.
Dubai, The sustainable, Smart City
Riadh Al-Dabbagh - Advisor, Ajman University, Ajman, UAEProf. Anastasia Zabaniotou

Anastasia Zabaniotou is Professor at the Chemical Engineering Department of Engineering Faculty at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, director of Chemical Engineering-II laboratory, leader of Biomass group, and director of the newly organized Circular Economy Institute at Aristotle University, Greece. She holds a Ph.D. and a DEA from Ecole Centrale de Paris, France. She has experience in working at the European Commission, DG Research, in Brussels and she continues working with the EC as an expert and evaluator of Bioenergy She is the chair of Biomass, Bioenergy and Biofuels at WREN/WREC. She has expertise on ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT and is interested in multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research and education. Her research on Renewable Energy is focused on Bioenergy, Biofuels, Waste to Energy, Circular Economy, Bioeconomy and Sustainability. More precisely, her R&I work focuses on thermo-chemical conversion of biomass, residues and waste to energy, biorefinery concept, scale up of processes and bioenergy reactors at TRL 6-8, pyrolysis-based biochar production for closing the loop in agriculture. She has been involved more than 35 national and international applied R&I projects and received funding from EU, National programs and private. She is author of 120 papers in international journals and 280 oral presentations in conferences, workshops and seminars. She has been invited 45 times as keynote speaker in conferences, workshops and seminars. She is awarded by Aristotle University, in 2018, by the award of International recognition and contribution to the Aristotle University’s Internationalization, She is awarded as pioneer in Bioenergy research by the International Network on Renewable Energy, in 2018 and has received other 11 grands and awards for the innovation and excellence in her research. She visited more than 40 European and International Universities and gave talks and lectures on Circular Economy, Bioenergy and Waste to Energy. She is Gender Equity group leader within RMEI and since 2017 she is coordinating an EU project on Gender Equality and Sustainable Development, for the transformation of the Mediterranean Engineering Schools.
Towards Circular Economy Solutions for the Management of Wastes and Agro-food Processing Residues to Energy
Anastasia ZabaniotouChemical Engineering Dept., Engineering Faculty, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Dr. Abdeen Mustafa Omer

Dr. Abdeen Mustafa Omer (BSc, MSc, PhD) is an Associate Researcher at Energy Research Institute (ERI). He obtained both his PhD degree in the Built Environment and Master of Philosophy degree in Renewable Energy Technologies from the University of Nottingham. He is qualified Mechanical Engineer with a proven track record within the water industry and renewable energy technologies. He has been graduated from University of El Menoufia, Egypt, BSc in Mechanical Engineering. His previous experience involved being a member of the research team at the National Council for Research/Energy Research Institute in Sudan and working director of research and development for National Water Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Sudan. He has been listed in the book WHO’S WHO in the World 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2010. He has published over 300 papers in peer-reviewed journals, 200 review articles, 17 books and 150 chapters in books.
Performance, modeling, measurements and simulation of energy efficient for heat exchanger, refrigeration and air conditioning
Abdeen Mustafa Omer: Energy Research Institute (ERI), Nottingham, UKProf. Alessandro Romeo

I graduated in Physics at the University of Parma in 1996. In October 1997 I am appointed as research fellow at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ) in Zurich, CH, and in the same lab I start my PhD work on CdTe thin film solar cells. After my PhD thesis, from February 2002, I worked as post-doc at ETHZ on alternative buffer layers for CIGS thin film solar cells. In April 2004 I am appointed as assistant professor at the University of Verona, working on absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy and on chalcogenide thin film solar cells. In December 2013 I got the qualification for Associate Professorship in Experimental Physics and Applied Physics and from December 2014 I am appointed as associate professor at the University of Verona. I have been invited for several talks and papers, I have been member of the scientific committee for the European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 and I have been organizer of the E-MRS Spring Meeting “Thin Film Chalcogenide Solar Cells” Symposium in 2010, in 2012 and in 2014. I am author of more than 80 international publications and of 5 international patents.
Perspectives and challenges for the next generation of thin film solar cells
Alessandro Romeo: Laboratory for Applied Physics, Department of Computer Science, University of Verona, Ca', ItalyDr. Salam Darwish

He is the Director of Phoenix Renewable Energy Centre and Head of Engineering Department at Manchester Trinity College (UK). He holds an MSc Membership in Aeronautical Engineering CIT (UK) and a PhD in Wind Turbines Aerodynamics from the University of Reading (UK). He is also a visiting professor and lecturer at Loughborough University, Warrington Collegiate, and other UK academic institutions. He is international program consultant at University of Glyndwr and Wolverhampton University and had supervised and graduated more than 11 PhD students and 33 MSc students under his supervision at Universities in UK and Middle East. His main Interest is the design, operation and management of Renewable Energy technologies and is leading research to locate wind and solar technologies for sustainable buildings for developing countries. He had published many articles related to his specialist.
Floating Offshore Wind Technology Development: Current Status and Future Vision
Abdul Salam DarwishSchool of Civil Engineering and Built Environment, University of Bolton, Bolton, UK
Dr. Katerina Tsikaloudaki

Katerina Tsikaloudaki, dr civil engineer, has been working for the Civil Engineering Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, first as a lecturer (2006), then as an assistant professor (2013) and now as an associate professor (2017). She teaches courses related to building construction, building energy performance and sustainability at the undergraduate and postgraduate level. Her research interests are on the performance of the building envelope and building elements, building physics and sustainability in the built environment. She has participated as a researcher and principal investigator in 26 projects funded by national (19) and international (7) sources. The results of her research have been published in peer review journals (23) and conference proceedings (more than 80). She has an active participation in the development of the Greek Regulation of Building Energy Performance, as well as in the preparation of the relevant technical guidelines and the manuals for the energy auditors. She has participated in the national committee for the recast of the energy performance legislation, as well as in the relevant committees of the Technical Chamber of Greece and the panel working for the definition of nZEB framework in Greece. She has also served as a member of the scientific committees of national and international conferences, reviewer of international scientific journals and expert evaluator for research proposals at national (GSRT) and European level (European Commission).
Sustainable Prefabricated Buildings: a holistic approach
Katerina Tsikaloudaki*, Theodore Theodosiou, Stella Tsoka, Panagiotis ChastasCivil Engineering Department, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GREECE
Prof Guedi Capeluto

Dr. Guedi Capeluto is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, former Chair of The Architecture Program, and responsible of the Master in Green Architecture Program. His research is centered on the field of building performance, green and zero-energy buildings, intelligent buildings, energy-conscious design as well as daylight and solar rights in urban design. He is in charge of teaching lighting in architecture in both undergraduate and graduate levels. Prof. Capeluto is co-founder of the Climate and Energy Laboratory (CELA), a member of the Israeli Climate Change Information Center (ICCIC) and is involved as research partner in various financed researches and projects, among them the development of an Energy Rating System and the Green Standard for Buildings in Israel, and the European Projects Mee FS – Multifunctional Energy Efficient Façade System for Building Retrofitting and BRESAER – BRE akthrough Solutions for Adaptable Envelopes in building Refurbishment. He is a Visiting Researcher at the Building Technologies Department, Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), supervised more than 20 PhD and M.Sc. students, and published his works in international scientific journals and books among them Intelligent Envelopes for High-Performance Buildings: Design and Strategy published by Springer.
Buildings’ Morphology, Solar Rights and Zero Energy in High Density Urban Areas
Isaac Guedi CapelutoFaculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, ISRAEL
Mr. Debmalya Sen

Mr Debmalya Sen is a Senior Consultant on Emerging Technologies Customized Energy Solutions and Energy sector professional with around a decade of Asset management and techno commercial experience across coal, gas, renewable energy (solar and wind), high voltage sub-station operations, Datacenter development, EV infrastructure development, Innovation and Sustainability.
Battery Storage: An Enabler for Utility and Grid Dynamics
Debmalya Sen: Senior Consultant – Customized Energy Solutions, Pune, Maharashtra, IndiaDr. Khalid Zakaria El Adli

Prof. of Urban Planning and Design & Director of International Programs, FURP- Cairo University; ASSOC. AIA, F. ASSOC. ASLA, Principal Partner & Managing Director at EAG Consulting; Former Governor of Giza; Former Vice President of the International Society of City & Regional Planners; Former Associate Dean at the Faculty of Urban & Regional Planning, Cairo University. Educated at Cairo University; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; University of California - Berkeley; and Texas A&M University, Dr. El Adli holds a formidable package of credentials including a Ph.D. degree in Urban and Regional Science, an M. Arch. as well as a B. Arch. Eng. degree with Highest Honors. He is recipient of multiple honors and awards. Dr. El Adli extensive international expertise both as an academic and urbanist include over thirty-five years in higher education, planning as well as project and development management. His strong track record as a researcher, academic and administrator in global higher education is epitomized in the numerous publications and senior appointments he assumed and is a direct reflection of the reputation he has earned in the field. Consistent with his reputation as competent leader; a strategic thinker and proficient manager, Dr. El Adli has an aptitude for developing strategic plans; conceiving innovative solutions and inspiring others. His track record as a recognized top performer include numerous success stories globally in both academia and the profession. Dr. El Adli’s administrative experience, other than his current appointments, includes top management positions in the government, international agencies, and at Cairo University as Chair of the Department of Urban Design as well as Vice President of Technical Affairs at the National Organization for Urban Harmony (NOAH). He has also served in varying capacities as Expert to multiple local and international agencies including the: ETH Zurich, 2009-2011 (Higher Education in Spatial Planning Symposiums I - III); USAID, Egypt; Ministry of Planning / UNDP; Ministry of Housing, Utilities, and Urban Communities; as well as the Supreme Council of Urban Revitalization. Dr. El Adli also served as Visiting Associate Professor at Georgia State University; Research Associate and Consultant at Texas A&M University; and Instructor at the University of California at Berkeley. He has undertaken and concluded several technical reports and projects with the aforementioned institutions. As an expert on Sustainable Planning and Urban Placemaking, Dr. El Adli has published extensively, delivered keynote speeches at numerous international conferences, and has conducted presentations aimed at improving public understanding of the importance of sustainable planning and academic excellence. He has recently co-edited a publication entitled, Higher Education in Spatial Planning - Positions and Reflections, B. Scholl (ed.), ETH Zurich, 2012. Dr. El Adli has also organized, directed, and served as Rapporteur and Chair at multiple international symposiums and is Referee to reputable peer reviewed journals. He is member to many prestigious professional associations and civic societies including the International Society of City and Regional Planners, American Institute of Architects, as well as the American Institute of Landscape Architects. He has traveled extensively and lived in various parts of the world.
Greening the Urban Environment: Mass Transit: An Integrated Approach to Sustainable Urban Development
Khalid Z. EL Adli: Former Associate Dean & Head of Department, FURP - Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.Prof. Eusébio Zeferino Encarnação da Conceição

Graus Académicos
Doutoramento em Engenharia Mecânica, Universidade de Coimbra, 1996
Mestrado em Ciências de Engenharia Mecânica, Universidade de Coimbra, 1993
Licenciatura em Engenharia Mecânica, Universidade de Coimbra, 1990
Área de InvestigaçãoÁreas Principais - Energias, Energias renováveis, Transmissão de calor, Mecânica dos fluidos.
Áreas afins - Tratamento de efluentes gasosos,Desenho assistido por computador, Aquecimento, ventilação e ar condicionado, Avaliação das condições de conforto em ambientes não uniformes, Avaliação da qualidade do ar em ambientes interiores, Utilização eficiente de energia em edifícios, Modelação do comportamento térmico de edifícios/veículos, Modelação térmica em incêndios florestais, Simulação numérica de escoamentos tridimensionais turbulentos, Vibrações no corpo humano, Acústica ambiental, Incêndios Florestais, Alterações Climáticas. Unidade de Investigação e Desenvolvimento/Centro CINTAL - Centro de Investigação Tecnológica do Algarve Laboratório Associado de Energia, Transportes e Aeronáutica, Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Aerodinâmica Industrial.
Application of Renewable Energies in a University Building with Complex Topology
Eusébio Z. E. ConceiçãoFCT-Universidade do Algarve, Campus de Gambelas, Faro, PORTUGAL
Prof. H P Garg

Prof. H. P. Garg is presently working as Director General, Trinity Group of Institutions (An Apex Educational Group in NCR), New Delhi. He was the Professor and Head at the Centre for Energy Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi – for more than 32 years. In between, on deputation, he was Director General, M.P. Council of Science & Technology, Bhopal; Science Advisor to M.P. Govt. and Principal Secretary, Department of Science & Technology, M.P. Govt. during 2002-2004. Prof. Garg has been actively engaged in Teaching; Research, Development and Demonstration (RD&D), and Consultancy in the field of Solar Energy; Technical & Higher Education; Management, Renewable Energy Education and Administration for the last more than 55 years. He was awarded the PhD in Solar Energy in the year 1970 from the University of Roorkee. It was the first PhD in India on Solar Energy. He is the author of more than 520 research papers, 18 books, and numerous technical reports and has also supervised 30 PhD students. He is a recipient of prestigious UNESCO Chair and IREDA Chair Professor in Renewable Energy and several National and International awards/ honors. Prof. H. P. Garg is the pioneer in Renewable Energy and is known as Father of Solar Energy in India.
Renewable Energy Development and Meeting Target of 175 GW by 2022 in India
H.P Garg: Director General, Principal Secretory, MP Govt., Bhopal), Trinity Institute of Professional Studies, Dwarka, IndiaMr. Tony Book JP, BSc, F Inst M, M.IDM

Born on Tyne side where he went to Newcastle RGS, Tony was awarded a Knowlson Trust Scholarship whilst at the University of Bristol.
From university he went into marketing spending eight years with Lever Brothers in brand management and market research before joining American Express as Marketing Director for Europe, Middle East and Africa. He was later promoted to Director of Consumer Services.
Winner of the British Computer Society Award for Applications 1983.
Winner of UK Renewable Energy Award for installations 2008, South East Business Man of the Year 2012 Went on the run a renewable energy business for 25 years becoming an advocate for Climate Change presenting at conferences across the world. Author of numerous articles on renewable energy applications for industrial and domestic use.
Energy management & savings in the domestic situation
Tony Book: Hove, East Sussex, UKMr. Vidya Amarapala

Vidya Amarapala had his primary, secondary & high school education in Sri Lanka under the local free education scheme. His higher education was on Aeronautical Engineering, initially from India & then from USA. Later he was engaged in a MBA program in International Business Management. From 1984 till 2010, he was in the private sector working with some of the best known brands such as Honeywell, Motorola, American Science & Engineering, Datron World Communications etc. In early 2010, he was invited to join the government to manage the power sector of the country. Mr. Amarapala was appointed to the Ceylon Electricity Board as the Chairman, to manage this class one state owned enterprise with a turnover of over one Billion Dollars, which was bleeding for some time. He was able to turn the institution around in a matter of months & made it a financially viable enterprise to the government without increasing electricity tariff to the consumer. Sri Lanka had just over 70% of electricity grid penetration in 2010 and in a very short spell, CEB expanded its grid to near 100% penetration under his leadership. In addition to the expansion of the grid, he made sure the grid was able to deliver quality electricity 24x7. Further, the rooftop solar grid connectivity was introduced during his time at CEB, which enabled the CEB grid to have more renewable energy base from its original capacity. Presently he serves the Government of Sri Lanka as the Advisor to the Ministry of Megapolis & Western Development, driving the Multi-Billion-Dollar development program from the master plan to the implementation.
The Importance of Wind Farms in Sri Lanka
Vidya Amarapala: Advisor, Ministry of Megapolis & Western Development, Sri LankaProf. Ali Sayigh

UK Citizen, Graduated from London University, & Imperial College, BSC.AWP, DIC, PhD, in 1966. He is Fellow of the Institute of Energy, and Fellow of the Institution of Engineering & Technology, Chartered Engineer, Chairman of Iraq Energy Institute. Prof Sayigh taught in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Reading University and University of Hertfordshire From 1966 – 2004. He was Head of Energy Department at Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) and Expert in renewable energy at AOPEC, Kuwait from 1981-1985. He started working in solar energy in September 1969. In 1972, he established with some colleagues in Saudi Arabia “The Journal of Engineering Sciences” in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and in 1984 he established International Journal for Solar and Wind Technology, as an Editor-in-Chief. This has changed its name in 1990 to Journal of Renewable Energy. He is editor of several International journal published in Morocco, Iran, Bangladesh, Nigeria and India. He established WREN and the World Renewable Energy Congress in 1990. Member of various societies related to climate change and renewable energy. He was consultants to many national and international organizations, among them, the British Council, ISESCO, UNESCO, UNDP, ESCWA, UNIDO and UN. He run conferences and Seminars in 52 different countries, published more than 600 papers. He edited, written and associated in more than 75 books. He supervised more than 80 MSc. and 35 PhD students. He is editor-in- chief of the yearly Renewable Energy Magazine, since 2000. He is the founder of WREN – Renewable Energy Journal published by Elsevier & was the Editor-in-chief for 30 years from 1984 – 2014. He is the Editor-in-chief of Comprehensive Renewable Energy coordinating 154 top scientists, Engineers and researchers’ contribution in eight volumes published in 2012 by Elsevier which won 2013 PROSE award in USA. He is the founder of Med Green Buildings and Renewable Energy Forum since 2011. In 2016 he established peer review international open access journal called “Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability” – REES, which is published in English on line by EDP publisher in Paris. Winner of the Best Clean Energy Implementation Support NPO – UK. In 2018 WREN was rated globally is one of the best organization in the UK promoting renewable energy. In November 2018, Prof. Sayigh was elected fellow of the Royal Society of Art (FRSA).
Climate Change Solution and Present Progress in Renewable Energy
Ali Sayigh: WREC – WREN, Brighton, UKAssoc. Prof. Dr. Uroš Stritih

Uroš Stritih was born in 1970 in Kranj, Slovenia. He studied Energy and Process Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. He has graduated in 1994 and for final work received Prešern's prize (prize for best student work). He continued with the postgraduate studying at the same faculty and defended master work: Heat transfer in the wall with phase change material and transparent isolation in the year 1997. After that he took three moths study visit at the Institute for Thermodynamic and Thermal Technique in Stuttgart. He started with Ph.D. which was successfully finished in 2000. The title of the dissertation was: Heat transfer enhancement at phase change processes (mentor Professor. P. Novak). He is employed at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at University of Ljubljana. In the year 2017 he was elected as Associate professor for the field Thermal and environmental engineering. From 2000 till 2002 he participated to IIR Project with the title: CFC Free Heat pump System for Heating and Cooling of Existing and New buildings. After that he was in charge for National project: Technologies for Thermal energy storage on Macro and Micro scale. He also participates on OPET Slovenia project (Organisation for Promotion of energy Technologies) which was a member of cross European OPET network. From 2005 till 2007 he participated to the European project called Boosting green electricity in 11 European regions. The project aimed at boosting electricity production from renewable energy sources and the use of green electricity in 11 European regions by defining concrete regional RES-e targets and developing and implementing regional RES-e strategies. From 2008 till 2010 he was participated to European project called HARMON-AC which was preparing the procedures for Air-conditioning inspections in the frame of EPBD Directive. HarmonAC was a project supported by the Intelligent Energy Europe initiative. It addressed the practical issues arising from the need for regular inspection of air-conditioning systems of over 12 kW cooling capacity as required by the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). From 2010 till 2012 he worked on Interreg project EnergyVillab which aim was a network of living laboratories for Rational energy use, Renewable energy sources and Sustainable mobility. In 2012 he has become Slovenian delegate in IEA-ECES. The R&D program Efficient Energy End-Use Technologies contains 14 different Implementing Agreements (IAs) of which one is the IA on energy storage. The full name of this IA is Energy Conservation though Energy Storage (ECES IA). From 2017 Dr. Stritih is person in Charge of Slovenian partner on the EU H2020 project HEART (Holistic Energy and Architectural Retrofit Toolkit) which aim is energy efficient refurbishment of multifamily buildings including heating and cooling with the help of renewable energy sources. From the beginning of 2019 he is a president of Slovenian Society for Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers – SITHOK, which is a member of REHVA and ASHRAE.
Thermal energy storage technologies for utilisation of Renewable energy sources & EU project HEART
Uroš Stritih, Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, SloveniaProf Robert Critoph

Bob Critoph is a professor in the Division of Civil and Mechanical Engineering of was in Aeronautical Engineering, from Southampton University but he went on to do a PhD in energy analysis also at Southampton. As a result of this work he was awarded the Institute of Energy Bone-Wheeler Medal. He then worked in the Open University Energy Research Group as a Research Fellow, responsible for the design, construction and testing of a gas engine driven heat pump. From 1979 he has been at Warwick lecturing in Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer and Solar Energy. His research is in adsorption refrigeration and heat pump systems, with uses ranging from solar refrigeration and air At present, his research team consists of two post-doctoral RA’s and two PhD projects worth £1.2 million. He is the Chairman of World Renewable Energy Network – WREN.
Ammonia - carbon adsorption domestic gas heat pump
Robert Critoph, Steven Metcalf and Angeles Rivero-PachoSchool of Engineering, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
Dr. Arthur Williams

After graduating, Dr Williams worked for GEC Large Machines in Rugby in Electrical Machine Development. Following a period working in the voluntary sector in Birmingham, he began research into micro-hydro systems, often working in collaboration with the Intermediate Technology Development Group (now "Practical Action") and completed a PhD in this field in 1992. He has been involved in the development and dissemination of low-cost technologies for rural electrification, and has visited Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Peru in connection with this work. A project entitled "Modelling and design of Pico propeller turbines for rural electrification, funded by the Leverhulme Trust, was completed in summer of 2007 before transferring from Nottingham Trent University to the University of Nottingham. He lectures in the field of sustainable energy and is course director for the interdisciplinary MSc in Sustainable Energy Engineering as well as the part-time MSc in Power Electronics, Machines & Drives. He is a member of WREN Council responsible for hydropower.
Community Energy: An analysis for benefits of shared Community Energy Storage for three real communities in the UK
Sanjana Ahmed, Mark Sumner, Arthur Williams+Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Brac University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
+Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
Dr. Celestino Rodrigues Ruivo

Dr Celestino Rodrigues Ruivo Professor no Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica do Instituto Superior de Engenharia da Universidade do Algarve. Coordenador da conferência internacional CONSOLFOOD Entusiasta da cozinha solar. Utilizador intensivo da cozinha solar. 2- On the beautiful world of Celestino Rodrigues Ruivo Department of Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior de Engenharia da Universidade do Algarve, PORTUGAL.
On the beautiful world of solar cooking
Celestino Rodrigues RuivoDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior de Engenharia da Universidade do Algarve, PORTUGAL
Dr. Gordon Dalton

Dr. Dalton is an Ocean Renewable Energy Economics Engineer, a staff member of MaREI Research centre, UCC, Cork Ireland. His specialty is techno-economics, socio-economics and business plans. Gordon is the lead coordinator of the BG5 Maribe H2020 project www.maribe.eu. The Maribe project is a CSA project, spanning 1.5 years, €2M funds, and 10 international partners. The Maribe project proposal gained a review score of 14/15. The Maribe project has a wide selection of partners, including FAO from the United Nations and BVG associates. Gordon was also the lead coordinator of the H2020 Geri4-2015 proposal ‘Gendering’. The project received 14.5/15, and attained ‘Reserve’ status. The project will be resubmitted in 2016. Dr. Dalton is chair of the International Consortium of Research Staff Associations (ICoRSA), consisting of 14 member associations, and a research network of 0.5 million researchers globally. Gordon is the lead coordinator in a 2016 Cost Action proposal ‘SECURE’. The project has 20 countries as secondary proposers. Gordon is the chair of the Irish Research Staff Association (IRSA www.irsa.ie ) and the Vice Chair of the Cork Branch in UCC (www.ucc.ie/en/rsa ). As a mature student, Dr Dalton completed a degree in electronic engineering in Trinity College Dublin 2002, and a PhD in Australia in renewable energy economics in 2007. Prior to the pursuit of an engineering career, Dr. Dalton had a career in dentistry spanning 12 years.
MUSICA: Multiple Use of Space for Island Clean Autonomy
Gordon DaltonMaREI, ERI, University College Cork, County Cork, IRELAND
Prof. Mohsen Aboulnaga

Foreign Affairs MoFA, Egypt Senior Adviser and National Expert of the “Clean Energy Savings Mediterranean Cities, EU project, (2015 - 2018). Dr Aboulnaga has been appointed Senior Expert by Human Dynamics Consortium – KG to develop the CES-MED National Recommendation Report on Sustainable Urban and Energy Savings Actions (SUESA) for Egypt Oct. 2015, - In May 2016, he has been appointed by EU and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Associated to Transitions - Sustainability Consultant – Paris, France to develop the Sustainable Energy Savings Climate Action Plan (SECAP) for the Local Governments - Egypt, - An Associate Partner at European Sustainable Development Network (ESDN) in Vienna - Austria since 2010; and a registered expert with World Bank, UNEP and ESCWA, - Member, Task-force responsible for developing Egypt’s Strategy on Green Economy, Ministry of Planning 2014-16, - Senior consultant – Strategy and Sustainable Development at Oil and Gas Skills (OGS), Ministry of Petroleum - Associate Expert at the Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE), where he represented RCREEE at the high level meeting at the European Commission - Joint Research Centre (ECJRC) Ispra, Italy to review the Guidebook for the South ENPI. Environment & Infrastructure at The Prime Minister’s Office of the UAE (Feb 2009–April 2010); responsible for implementing and monitoring the federal Government Strategy (cycle 2008-2010). Prior to that, he held a position in the Capacity of Strategy& Policy Adviser – The Executive Council, Government of Dubai (May 2007–Jan 2009), - Selected member of the International Scientific Committee of Urban Farm 2019 International challenge in Italy. Lead author of a new Book entitled: ‘Climate Change Adaptation Policies, Projects, and Scenarios in Developing Countries’, ISBN: 9783030054045-2, by Springer Nature, published on March 21, 2019, Prof Aboulnaga is author of 11 books’ chapter by Elsevier and Springer Nature, . - Invited speaker to more than 425 international conferences, seminars, workshops; and more than 200 publications, - An external Examiner at University of Sheffield, England, UK (2013), - Supervised in (2017 – 2019) many MSc & PhD students.
The role of circular economy in mitigating CO2 and climate change impacts - thermal insulation materials in developing countries
Sarah A. GadAllah1 and Mohsen M. Aboulnaga21 Master Program on Environmental Design & Energy Efficiency, Dept. of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt
2 Sustainable Built Environments, Dept. of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt
Sustainable Development of Higher Educational Buildings for Energy Efficient and Mitigate Carbon Emissions – An Analytical Study
Tahany A. Abdelmawgood1 and Mohsen M. Aboulnaga21 Researcher, Environmental Design & Energy Efficiency Programme, Dept. of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt
2 Sustainable Built Environments, Dept. of Architecture, Faculty of Eng., Cairo University, Egypt
Building's thermal insulation materials market - global outlook and assessment
Sarah A. GadAllah1 and Mohsen M. Aboulnaga21 Master Program on Environmental Design & Energy Efficiency, Dept. of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt
2 Sustainable Built Environments, Dept. of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt
Climate Change Adaptation: Renewable Energy and Climate Actions in Cities to Mitigate Climate Change risks and Enhance Liveability – A Diagnostic and Strategic Study
Mohsen Aboulnaga1*, Naguib Amin2, Bruno Rebelle3 1 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University2 Team Leader of CES-MED Project, Beirut, Lebanon and Rabat, Morocco
3 Managing Director, Transitions, CES-MED SECAP Consultant, Paris, France
Dr. Ming Jun Huang

Dr Ming Jun Huang is a Reader in the Renewable Energy in the Centre for Sustainable Technologies, Belfast School of Architecture and the Built Environment in the University of Ulster. She gained a BEng (Hons.) in Building Services Engineering at the Beijing University of Technology (1988). Her academic career has taken her to the Beijing University of Technology as a Teaching Assistant and then Lecturer. She went on to do a PhD in Solar Energy Engineering in the University of Ulster, UK. She has been working as Research Assistant and later Research Associate on Solar Energy thermal application in buildings and Research Fellow on Heat Pump applications in the University of Ulster. She then worked in the University of Exeter as a Lecturer in Renewable Energy, prior to joining the University of Ulster since 2009. Dr Ming Jun Huang’s research include: Phase change material for thermal energy storage and thermal regulation; Energy Storage, Solar energy thermal application; Building Integrated Photovoltaic thermal regulation; Heat transfer enhancement; Efficient cooling technology; Heat Pump; Numerical modelling with heat exchanger design and optimisations and CFD. Her research has been supported by the UK Engineering Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC), European commission H2020 and the industrial companies. She is currently supervising four PhD students and have eight successfully completed PhDs since 2011. She is a member of Energy Institute and CEng, Solar Energy Society and Panel member of Energy Institute for Individual Case Procedure (ICP).
Dymanic influence of combined BIPV with air source heat pump for residential heat supply with PCM unfloor heating
Ming Jun Huang*1 and Neil J. Hewitt11 Belfast School of Architecture and the Built Environment, Ulster University, UK
Dr. Márta Szabó

Dr Marta Szabo graduated in Hungary as agricultural and mechanical engineer specialized in Building Service engineering. She received a PhD in energy and renewable energy utilization in greenhouses. She started as lecturer in 1998, then in 2004 became Assistant Professor and Researcher at the Szent Istvan University Hungary. In 2008 is the utilization of renewable energy, and energy management in buildings. In 2009 she acted as a Faculty Director for the International Relations. In 2006-2007 Dr Szabo was seconded as a national expert to the Institute of Environment and Sustainability of the Joint Research Center of the European Commission, and in 2010-2011 has been senior researcher in the Institute of Energy of the Joint Research Center of the European Commission working on the technical assessment of Renewable Energy in the EU. She has authored and coauthored more than 120 papers and research reports, published in journals and international conferences. She was member of several organizing committees for many international conferences and workshops. Dr. Szabo is member of the WREN and has been awarded a has been chosen as the best young scientist in renewable energy Congress, Florence, Italy in 2006.
Solar thermal energy storage in various media
Márta Szabó - Department of Building Service and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Szent Istvan University, HUNGARYProf Dr Eng. Belal Dawouda

He graduated in Mechanical power engineering at El-Menoufiya University, Shebin El-Kom, Egypt in 1986 and completed his Master degree in Energy Engineering in 1993. The master thesis was devoted to assemble, model, simulate and experimentally investigate the performance of a solar-assisted ammonia-water absorption refrigerator under the Egyptian climate conditions. In 1999, he has obtained his Dr.-Ing. Degree from the Chair of Technical Thermodynamics (LTT) of RWTH-Aachen University in Germany in the field of adsorption heat pumping processes with the working pair “zeolite-water”. Until December 2005, he worked as a research and development group leader for the applications of solar and sorption technologies at LTT of RWTH-Aachen University. During this time he successfully managed 4 successive cooperative projects with the industry (Vaillant Group, Germany) resulting in the development of the market product “ZeoTherm” of a gas-driven adsorption heat pump. In addition, he managed the team of LTT of RWTH-Aachen University within the EU- concerted action on mutli-generation energy systems (CAMELIA; EC-FP6, TREN 506486). In January 2006, he moved to Viessmann GmbH & Co KG as a manager for the R&D department responsible for new innovative heating technologies. He managed two research teams having in total 26 persons with deep skills in components’ and process development, components’ construction, system layout construction, safety concept development, control development, modelling and simulation, field test planning and investigation, conception of production methodologies and production line for the market product. Between July 2007 and November 2012, he successfully managed two successive funded projects through the Federal Ministry for Energy and Economy (BMWi) in Germany with a total sum of 15.2 Mil. € aiming at developing a gas-fired adsorption heat pump. In January 2014, the “Vitosorp-200”, a gas-driven adsorption heat pump product was ready for the middle European Market. Furthermore, he managed the development of an innovative absorption heat pump with new working pairs until the field test phase in Germany. During the period from January 2006 until February 2014, he participated in issuing one national guideline (VDI-4650-2), one national standard (DIN-18599-8) and one European standard (EN-12309, 2014; Parts 1 & 3-7) to evaluate thermally driven sorption heat pumps. So far, he has participated in filing more than 40 patents. In January 2013, he was elected as a convenor for department 8, dedicated for promoting thermally driven heat pumps, of the European Heating Industry Association (EHI) in Brussels. Since March 2014, he has attended OTH-Regensburg University of Applied Sciences in Regensburg, Germany as a responsible Professor for Thermal Engineering and Energy Efficiency in domestic and industrial energy processes and systems. The current R&D projects at OTH Regensburg include:
1. Development of a seasonal Solar-Driven Adsorption Thermal Energy Storage
2. Development & implementation of a REDOX hydrogen Storage in different energy supply chains
3. Development of renewable energy based and CO2-neutral glass melting process
4. Development of an innovative solar-active plastering system
5. Development of a hybrid heating system based on a CHP and a VRF-HP
On the development of a generic solar heating system based on a seasonal thermal energy adsorption storage; Solar Potential and Storage Size for different European Cities
Ch. Bauera, G. Duponta, a. Dechanta, F. Haucka, a. Frazzicab, V. Brancatob, b. Dawouda** Corresponding author. Email: belal.dawoud@oth-regensburg.de
a Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg, Laboratory of Sorption Processes, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Germany
b CNR – Istituto di Tecnologie Avanzate per l'Energia “Nicola Giordano”, Via Salita S. Lucia sopra Contesse 5, Messina 98126, Italy
Prof. Karen Gambaryan

Professor Gambaryan has completed his PhD thesis in 1988 at Yerevan State University. He has defended the second doctorate dissertation (habilitation) and received Doctor of Science (Physics) degree at 2013. Since 2015, he is a Full Professor and Senior Researcher at Yerevan State University (YSU). Since 2018 – head of the Department of Physics of Semiconductors and Microelectronics at YSU. Teaching courses: Semiconductors materials science and technology; Thin films growth technology; Infrared and microwave semiconductor devices. He is an author of two course-manuals for Master- and Bachelor of Science students. Under his supervision, PhD and Master of Science students have successfully completed and defended their theses. He has published more than 40 scientific papers in widely reputed journals and has been invited and delivered invited talks in more than 20 International Conferences and Congresses. Fields of scientific interests: Physics of semiconductors and semiconductor devices; Semiconductor materials and devices science and technology; III-V compound semiconductors thin films epitaxy; Infrared devices; Renewable energy sources; Thermo-photovoltaic devices; Nanoelectronics and nanotechnology. He has been granted four times by the Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD) Awards (2007, 2010, 2015 and 2019) and performed numerous research visits to Germany. In 2014, he was granted by Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and worked as a Research Professor in CAS Institute of Semiconductors. He is a member of World Renewable Energy Network (WREN) and World Renewable Energy Congress (WREC) International Steering Committee, member of the Asia-Pacific Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering Society (APCBEES), member of International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM), as well as IAAM Gold Medal laureate for 2017 year. Hi is a Coordinating Editor of “Journal of Contemporary Physics” and “Armenian Journal of Physics” (National Academy of Sciences of Armenia). Family status: Married, have two children. Languages: Armenian, English, Russian.
Nanostructured P-N Junctions and Photoconductive Cells for Thermal Energy Conversion
Karen M. Gambaryan - Department of Physics of Semiconductors and Microelectronics, Yerevan State University, ARMENIAProf. Ioannis S. Anagnostopoulos

He graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, and received his Ph.D. in Computational Fluid Mechanics from the same University. He worked for several years as post-doctoral researcher in the NTUA and as R&T consultant in the private sector, where he has been involved in feasibility studies for various industrial innovations. He has participated in more than 40 research projects, and has more than 120 scientific publications in international journals and conferences. Also, he has developed a number of advanced computer codes for the simulation of various fluid flow mechanisms in industrial applications (e.g. pulverized coal and natural gas combustion, coal grinding, electrostatic filters, erosion ware and fouling, metal thermal spraying, atmospheric dispersion and pollution, centrifugal pumps and hydroturbines, hydraulic systems), as well as for the modelling of complex energy systems. He is Director of the Laboratory of Hydraulic Turbomachines, School of Mechanical Engineering, NTUA, and his current research activities include numerical and experimental flow analysis and hydrodynamic design in pumps and hydroturbines, design and operation of sea wave, tidal and hydrokinetic energy units, optimal sizing and operation strategies of power production systems combining RES and energy storage, and large RES integration in electric power systems. Since February 2016 his is Board member of the Greek Regulatory Authority for Energy.
Simulation of Fish Trajectory in a Reaction Hydroturbine with CFD and a Surrogate Numerical Model
Charalambos Kottas Choulakis, Ioannis Kassanos, Ioannis Anagnostopoulos*School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, GREECE
Dr. Winfried Hoffmann

Winfried Hoffmann studied physics and started his industrial career in 1979. His focus then was Applied Research towards industrialization in the area of CdS/Cu2S – Thin-Film solar cells and modules, amorphous Silicon as well as Dye Solar Cells. In the mid-1980s and 90s a pilot production for MIS-inversion layer c-Si solar cells and large area modules was put in operation. The focus on PV systems in these years was for decentralized off-grid applications (e.g. Solar Home Systems and water pumping in developing countries). He initiated the Joint-Venture "Angewandte Solarenergie - ASE GmbH" (50% RWE/50% Daimler-Benz Aerospace) in 1994 where he served as Managing Director. In the same year the acquisition of 100 % shares of Mobil Solar as a subsidiary company was done with special focus on their developed ribbon EFG technology. In the late 90s the company was renamed RWE Solar and was one of the worldwide 5 biggest production companies. In October 2002 the RWE SCHOTT Solar GmbH, was formed, where he served as Chairman of the Board. Effective in 2005 SCHOTT acquired the shares of RWE Solutions and the company was renamed SCHOTT Solar GmbH where he was Member of the Management Committee. In 2007 he joined Applied Materials to become Chief Technology Officer and Vice President of the Solar Business Group and member of the Management Board of the German based Applied Materials GmbH. From November 2010 he served with his consulting company Applied Solar Expertise - ASE to the solar business of Applied Materials. He served many years until 2008 as member of the Board of the German Solar Economy Association (Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft – BSW Solar), at last as president. Until March 2014 he was for 17 years member of the board and half of this time president of the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA, now SolarPower Europe). In 2010/11 he was member of the High Level Group on Key Enabling Technologies to advise three EU-commissioners on a strategy to strengthen particularly the European production industry. 2014 he was for 17 years member of the board and half of this time president of the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA, now SolarPower Europe). In 2010/11 he was member of the High Level Group on Key Enabling Technologies to advise three EU-commissioners on a strategy to strengthen particularly the European production industry. Until 2016 he was member of the supervisory board of the company SMA Solar Technology AG as well as chairman of the Supervisory Board of Solar-Fabrik AG. He is currently consultant, member of the Board of Solnet, member of the Board of Trustees of the Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research (ZSW), chairman of the scientific board of DLR-Institute of Networked Energy Systems (Oldenburg) and member of the Scientific Board of the Institute for Solar Energy Research in Hameln (ISFH). Since 2011 he gives lectures about Renewable Energy at the universities Konstanz and Freiburg. In 2012 he received the John Bonda prize from EPIA and the prestigious “European Becquerel Prize for Outstanding Merits in Photovoltaics” from the European Commission. The World Renewable Energy Network (WREN) awarded him as “Solar Pioneer” in 2014. The Clean Tech Solar Business Club awarded him as “Visionary Solar Advocate” in 2019.
Energy and industry transition: opportunities and threats for new and old national economies
Winfried Hoffmann, Applied Solar Expertise – ASE, Hanau, GermanyProf. Reinhard Haas, PhD

Energy Economics Group, Institute of Energy Systems and Electric Drives, Vienna University of Technology. Reinhard Haas is university professor of Energy Economics at Vienna University of Technology in Austria. He teaches Energy Economics, Regulation and Competition in Energy markets, and Energy Modelling. His current research focus is on (i) evaluation and modelling of dissemination strategies for renewables; (ii) modelling paths towards sustainable energy systems; (iii) liberalisation vs regulation of energy markets; (iv) energy policy strategies. He works in these fields since more than 20 years and has published more than 60 papers in reviewed international journals. Moreover, he has coordinated and coordinates projects for Austrian institutions as well as the European Commission and the International Energy Agency.
Heading towards democratic and sustainable electricity systems
Reinhard HAAS: Energy Economics Group, Vienna University of TechnologyHenry K. Vandermark

President Solar Wave Energy Inc. Henry founded Solar Wave Energy in 1978 where he has been involved in design, installation and service of solar thermal systems including site-built and factory-built collectors. He spent 30 years installing and servicing many types of solar hot water systems used in the Northeast U.S. and brings detailed analysis and that hands-on experience to solar monitoring. He currently oversees the team that has built and operates www.thermal-grid.com, a web-based solar thermal monitoring platform designed to help installers optimize performance, manage service of solar thermal systems and provide reports for performance based incentives program, Thermal PPAs, and company fleets. Monitoring experience includes conventional solar thermal systems with flat-plate and evacuated tubes panels as well as hybrids (PV-Therms/PVT) panels combining thermal and electrical production. He has taught conference workshops, trade school classes, and programs for teachers. He continues to consult on solar thermal designs for building applications and portfolio management using the monitoring platform as a Lifetime commissioning tool to optimize efficiency.
Optimizing Solar Thermal by Managing Production and Contribution
Henry K. Vandermark, Cambridge MA 02140, U.S.A.PD. Dr. DI. Amela Ajanovic

Amela Ajanovic is a lecturer and Senior Research Scientist at Energy Economics Group at Vienna University of Technology. She holds a master degree in electrical engineering and a PhD in energy economics at Vienna University of Technology. She is responsible for research, teaching, project acquisition and scientific coordination in the area of energy economics with a focus on sustainable transport. Her main research interests are alternative fuels and alternative automotive technologies, energy and transport policies, as well as transition to a sustainable energy system and long-term energy scenarios. She has been involved in several national and international research projects related to these topics. In 2006 she worked for International Energy Agency in Paris on World Energy Outlook, chapter on biofuels. In 2009 she was guest lecturer and researcher at the Technical University of Prague, and in 2010 guest researcher at Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands. She has authored more than 50 papers and journal articles.
Renewables in transport: prospects and impediments
Amela AJANOVIC - Energy Economics Group, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, AustriaProf. Dania Gonzalez Couret

She was the dean of Research, Faculty of Architecture, at Havana, Cuba. She obtained her first degree in Architecture (ISPJAE) in 1979, her PhD in 1994. She did Post-Doctoral studies in Lund University, Sweden in 1997 and 1999. Doctor in Science at (ISPJAE) in 2007. She was involved in teaching and administration at the University until now. She is the President of the Academic Committee for the PhD program in Architecture and the master course in Social Housing. Vice President of the National Tribunal for PhD in Architecture and Urbanism, reviewer in Renewable Energy Journal, Member of WREN representing Cuba. She has published many articals in leading journals and written several books. Prof Couret participated in several of World Renewable Energy Congresses in the past.
Thermal Performance of Roof Solutions for Social Housing in Portoviejo, Ecuador
Dania González Couret*1, José Fabián Véliz Párraga21 Technological University of Havana, CUBA
2 Technical University of Manabí, ECUADOR
Prof. Anders Worman

He is a professor and head of division at River Engineering, Dept. of Land and Water Resources Engineering, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden. He has an MSc and a PhD from Royal Institute of Technology. He was a professor since 2006. He is member of advisory board of the Swedish Hydropower Centre (SVC) (April 2006-2018). Associate editor of hydrology section of Acta geophysica (Nov. 2008 – Jan 2012). He has supervise many MSc and PhD student in various topics related to water technology. He was awarded the Thernwall prize (27th October 1992) by The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Science, and Scientific papers selected two times as “Editors Highlight” by the Geophysical Research Letters, on 7th of April 2006 (paper 33) and on 5th of April 2007 (paper 38). He is author of 82 peer reviewed papers in scientific journals, 6 book chapters, 35 conference papers and 48 technical reports and popular publications. H-index of 27 according to Google Scholar (2823 citations), 22 according to Scopus and 20 according to Web of Science (Institute of Scientific Information, ISI), 2019-09-02. During the last ten years (2010-2019), principal investigator and project leader of eighteen externally funded research projects that amounts to 49.55 MSEK.
Spatiotemporal variation in hydropower availability over Europe and potential for virtual energy storage-gain
Anders Wörman, Professor - KTH – Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, SwedenLouise Crochemore, Ilias Pechlivanidis, Marc Girons Lopez (SMHI)
Luigia Brandimarte, Joakim Riml, Shuang Hao (KTH)
Cintia Bertacchi Uvo (Lund University)
Rh. Hon. Hans-Josef Fell

President Energy Watch Group. Hans-Josef Fell is the Founder and President of the Energy Watch Group, an independent, non-profit, non-partisan global network of scientists and parliamentarians. He actively promotes 100% renewable energy worldwide and provides political advice to many parliaments and governments on the transition to an energy system based entirely on renewables as well as on climate protection. Together with the Energy Watch Group, Hans-Josef Fell analyses global energy developments and publishes independent studies on energy, such as the landmark study “Global Energy System Based on 100% Renewable Energy“ (in cooperation with LUT University), whose findings have received wide attention among media, politics and scientists worldwide. During his time as a member of the German parliament (1998-2013), Hans-Josef Fell co-authored the draft Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG), which was adopted in 2000 in the face of strong political opposition. The EEG is the foundation for the technology developments in photovoltaic, biogas, wind, geothermal and hydropower in Germany, which stimulated the global growth of renewables. The underlying principle of the EEG has since been replicated in about a hundred countries and regions around the world. Hans-Josef Fell also initiated the legislation promoting biofuels and was actively involved in establishing the renewables legislative at the European level. From 1999 to 2005, as spokesman of the Alliance 90/the Greens parliamentary group in the research committee of the German Bundestag, Hans-Josef Fell helped to secure an increase in research funding for photovoltaics, CSP, geothermal energy, bioenergy, batteries for electric cars, bionics and nanotechnology. This funding was crucial for the current worldwide expansion of solar thermal power technology and for the expansion of geothermal power generation throughout Germany. As a member of the Bundestag Defense Committee, Hans-Josef Fell supported the development in military training methods towards conflict de-escalation. This training on violence prevention during military operations has attracted international recognition, particularly at the level of UN peace operations. Hans-Josef Fell studied physics and sports and was a grammar school teacher from 1978 to 1998. From 1990 to 2000, he was city councilor in the Bavarian town of Hammelburg and district councilor in neighboring Bad Kissingen. In 1993, he introduced the world’s first local feed-in tariff in Hammelburg, his hometown, and founded the first cooperative worldwide to produce solar electricity. Hans-Josef Fell has won a number of awards for his engagement for climate protection, peace and nuclear non-proliferation, such as the Nuclear-Free-Future Award in 2001 and the Lui Che Woo Prize for Sustainability in 2018. Hans-Josef Fell is also the author of several books, the latest publication being “Global cooling - Strategies for climate protection”.