Call for Abstracts

The World Renewable Energy Congress (WREC) is organized since 1992 by the World Renewable Energy Network (WREN) to help foster transfer of renewable energy technology from developed countries to developing countries.
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:
Deadline for abstracts: October 5, 2020 | Deadline for full papers: March 30, 2021 (for publication in Open-Source Journal)
Topics include:
- Photovoltaic Technology
- Solar Thermal, Heat Pumps & Geothermal Applications
- Sustainable & Low Energy Architecture
- Bio-energy, Biofuels & Waste-to-energy
- Policy, Finance, Social impact, Education & Sustainability
- Energy Meteorology
- Wind Energy Technology
- Water, Hydropower & Ocean Energy
- Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, Transport
- Renewable System Integration
- Energy and Gender
- Student Competition in Sustainable Architecture
Download abstract template here.
Abstract: Abstract should not be more than one page A4, 300-500 words only, single spacing using Arial font -12. It should contain title, author/s names, full address, email & 4 keywords. Please specify one of the above topics.
Paper: Single column, single spacing, with tables, figures and photographs within the text. Use number for references. Leave double spacing after each heading or sub-heading. The paper should not exceed 7-pages.
The top 30 papers will be selected and published in a high-profile international journal in the area of Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability.
To submit your abstract, send to
FULL PAPER Layout Instructions
1. All papers must have an abstract, 4-keywords, conclusion at the end and references. References marked in the text by numbers placed in the text by, [ ]. At the end and under References enlist them 1-, 2- and so on.
2. Use Font 12 Pt. Arial, Bold for heading and sub-heading with one space between them and the full text.
3. All pictures, tables and diagrams should be inserted in the text and clearly legible.
4. After the main Title, Authors names, their addresses and clear Email address.
5. The full paper template can be downloaded here.
6. After having your abstract accepted, Paper must be in PDF format and send to:
7. Full Paper must not exceed 8, A4 pages, Single Column and single spacing.

Important Dates

New Abstract Deadline: February 28, 2021
March 30, 2021 (for publication in Open-Source Journal)Abstracts & Papers will not appear in the program & proceedings without pre-registration at the congress
Journal Submission (Open Source): Instructions will be sent on the 20th January 2021
Until May 20, 2021
26-30 July, 2021
Conference Fees
EARLY BIRD (until 20 May 2021)
Participants and authors: €430 Invited speakers, members of Steering Committee and members of WREN: €330 Students with official certificate: €170
AFTER 20 MAY 2021
Participants and authors: €500 Invited speakers, members of Steering Committee and members of WREN: €400 Students with official certificate: €220
Gala Dinner: €40
Virtual Participation: €170